Legal advice
Light output compared to the minimum ECE R112/R37 requirementsH4/H7/H8/H11/HB3/HB4
Light output compared to the minimum ECE R112/R37 requirementsH4/H7/H8/H11/HB3/HB4
Technical Data
Product information
Application (Category and Product specific)
Halogen headlight lamp
General Product Information
Global order reference
Electrical Data
Power input
68 W
Nominal voltage
12.0 V
Nominal wattage
55 W
Test voltage
13.2 V
Photometric Data
Nominal luminous flux
1550 lm
Luminous flux tolerance
±15 %
Color temperature
3400 K
Physical Attributes & Dimensions
8.5 mm
Product weight
6.30 g
62.5 mm
Lamp base
Lifetime Data
Lifespan B3
150 hr
Lifespan Tc
300 hr
Certificates & standards
ECE category
Environmental & Regulatory Information
Information according Art. 33 of EU Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACh)
Primary article identifier
4052899991309 | 4062172114936 | 4062172388108 | 4052899998995 | 4052899990944 | 4052899991538 | 4062172114899 | 4052899991453 | 4062172256940 | 4062172395489 | 4058075141513
Candidate list substance 1
No declarable substances contained
Declaration no. in SCIP database
No declarable substances contained
Packaging information
Product number |
Packaging |
Quantity |
Outside dimensions l x w x h |
Gross weight |
4052899991309 | FOLDING BOX (eco-friendly packaging) | 1 | 1.0in x 0.9in x 2.8in | 0.0lb | |
4052899991323 | SHIPPING BOX | 100 | 9.6in x 5.7in x 5.5in | 2.1lb |
Data sheets, brochures and technical information
Vehicle Lamp Finder
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Product label
12V lamp NIGHT BREAKER LASER, Made in Germany: (HR)Svjetlost. Do +150%. Razmak. Do 150m. Boja svjetlosti. Do +20%. Vijek trajanja. UV filtar. Zemlja podrijetla: Njemačka,(GR)Φωτεινότητα. Έως και +150%. Απόσταση. Έως και 150m. Απαλό χρώμα. Έως και +20%. ιάρκεια ζωής. Φίλτρο UV. Κανονικό,(RO)Strălucire. Până la +150%. Distanţă. Până la 150m. Culoarea luminii. Până la +20%. Durata de viaţă. Filtru UV. Produs în Germania,(UA)УФ-фільтр,(S)Luminosidad. Hasta +150%. Distancia. Hasta 150m. Tono de luz. Hasta +20%. Duración. Filtro UV. Estándar. Fabricado en Alemania,(SLO)Jasnosť. Až +150%. Vzdialenosť. Až 150m. Farba svetla. Až +20%. Životnosť. Štandard