Technical Data

Product information

Application (Category and Product specific)

Halogen headlight lamp

General Product Information

Global order reference


Electrical Data

Power input

58 W


Nominal voltage

12.0 V

Nominal wattage

55 W

Test voltage

13.2 V

Photometric Data

Nominal luminous flux

1500 lm

Luminous flux tolerance

±10 %

Color temperature

up to 5000 K

Physical Attributes & Dimensions


12.0 mm

Product weight

12.20 g

Lamp base



59.0 mm

Lifetime Data

Lifespan B3

100 hr

Lifespan Tc

200 hr



Halogen lamp

Certificates & standards

ECE category


Approval marks – approval

E1 approval

Environmental & Regulatory Information

Information according Art. 33 of EU Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACh)

Primary article identifier

4062172159326 | 4062172251709 | 4062172269209 | 4062172387538 | 4062172149310 | 4062172149358 | 4062172395038

Candidate list substance 1

No declarable substances contained

Declaration no. in SCIP database

No declarable substances contained

Packaging information

Product number




Outside dimensions l x w x h

Gross weight

4062172149358 FOLDING BOX (eco-friendly packaging) 1 1.3in x 1.3in x 2.3in 0.0lb
4062172149365 SHIPPING BOX 100 14.0in x 7.3in x 5.1in 3.9lb
4062172251709 BLISTER 1 5.3in x 3.7in x 1.4in 0.1lb
4062172251716 SHIPPING BOX 10 11.0in x 4.5in x 5.7in 0.7lb



Product label

12V lamp COOL BLUE NEXT GEN: (HR)Boja svjetlosti. Do 5000 Kelvina. Svjetlost. Do +100%. Razmak. Vijek trajanja. UV filtar. Zemlja podrijetla: Njemačka,(GR)Απαλό χρώμα. Έως 5000 Kelvin. Φωτεινότητα. Έως και +100%. Απόσταση. ιάρκεια ζωής. Κανονικό. Φίλτρο UV,(RO)Culoarea luminii. Până la 5000 Kelvin. Strălucire. Până la +100%. Distanţă. Durata de viaţă. Filtru UV. Produs în Germania,(UA)Işık Rengi. 5000 Kelvin‘e kadar. Parlaklık. +100%‘ye kadar. Mesafe. Kullanım Ömrü. Standart. UV filtresi,(S)Tono de luz. Hasta 5000 Kelvin. Luminosidad. Hasta +100%. Distancia. Duración. Estándar. Filtro UV. Fabricado en Alemania,(SLO)Farba svetla. Do 5000 Kelvinov. Jasnosť. Až +100%. Vzdialenosť. Životnosť. Štandard